姓  名:
职  称:
研究员 博导
永利集团王克桢楼 100080

罗欢,女,yl23411永利研究员,永利集团麦戈文脑研究所研究员,博士生导师。于1999年毕业于武汉大学电信学院,获工学学士学位。2001年赴美留学,2007年毕业于美国马里兰大学College park分校神经科学与认知科学项目,获博士学位,同年在该校语言神经科学实验室从事博士后研究。2007年8月至2014年历任中科院生物物理研究所副研究员、研究员。 2014年12月加入永利集团至今。2015年获国家优秀青年科学基金(国家自然科学基金委)支持。

罗欢研究员主要采用认知心理学结合高时间分辨率的人脑成像技术(脑电图、脑磁图等)探索视听觉认知过程(包括感知觉、注意、学习记忆等)中的动态结构和时间组织及其脑神经机制。她以往的国外研究工作主要集中在人类语音和复杂听觉信息处理的神经动态机制(e.g., Luo&Poeppel, Neuron, 2007; Luo et al., Journal of Neurophysiology, 2006, 2007)。近年来带领团队在视觉和听觉场景中的信息整合、多物体注意、序列记忆等方面取得重要成果,以Senior作者兼通讯作者身份发表了包括Nature Communications (2019)、Progress in Neurobiology(2021)、PLoS Biology (2010, 2017a, b)、 Current Biology (2013)、 eLife (2018)、 Journal of Neuroscience (2021, 2014, 2015)、 Cerebral Cortex (2019) 等多篇认知神经科学领域的重要学术论文。

罗欢研究员2022年6月应邀出任国际著名杂志《PLoS Biology》编委 (Natue Index期刊) https://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/s/editorial-board#loc-neuroscience 

罗欢研究员2019年2月19日应邀出任国际著名杂志《eLife》编委 (Natue Index期刊) https://elifesciences.org/about/people/neuroscience


罗欢研究员2020年10月应邀出任《Progress in Neurobiology》(5 year IF = 13.096) 副主编 https://www.journals.elsevier.com/progress-in-neurobiology/editorial-board/huan-luo-phd

罗欢研究员实验室作为世界上六个实验室之一(其他实验室来自美国的Harvard, Yale,英国的Birmingham,荷兰的 Donders Institute,和德国的 Max Planck Institute)参与国际意识的“打赌”项目,共同验证和比较GNW(全局工作空间理论)和IIT(整合信息理论)这两个世界上最为有影响力的关于意识的理论。该项目为3年,大家采用共同的实验设计和三种不同的技术,结合Open Science的学术规范,通过理论正面交锋、事先公开假设和实验设计、独立验证、共享数据的方式推动意识研究的加速进展,鼓励和引领一种全新的科研合作方式。https://mgv.pku.edu.cn/xwzx/xw/323620.htm










2016-2019, 面上项目(国家自然科学基金委),项目负责人





“动态世界观”(Huan Lab):




1. 知识网络的学习及其脑机制。数据不是知识,数据之间的关系结构才构成真正的知识。我们近期开发了全新范式来研究人类对外界信息背后的知识网络结构的学习加工及其神经机制,发现人脑可以提取出抽象的数据之间所构成的网络关系,并在脑活动找到了该网络神经表征(Progress in Neurobiology, 2022)。在此基础上,我们通过和研究复杂系统的实验室合作,测试和比较人类对不同类型网络的学习能力;并结合复杂系统理论试图设计学习路径优化网络学习(Ren, Wang et al., in preparation)。我们还将开展儿童研究,研究知识网络学习的发展规律。此外,音乐中的节奏也类似关系结构,我们发现其可以提高学习记忆能力。

2. 抽象结构的工作记忆机制。工作记忆是人脑各种认知功能的集线器,连接感知觉、注意、决策和长时记忆。我们近期研究揭示了序列工作记忆的存储机制,并发展了PING这种冲击方法对脑网络进行扰动,探究其中所保持的信息及其存储状态,并对其进行“动态扰动”的记忆操控 (eLife, 2018, 2021; J Neurosci, 2021; Progress in Neurobiology, 2021; Cerebral Cortex, 2023)。我们近期还发现了序列依赖效应背后的工作记忆重激活机制(PLoS Biology, 2023)。此外,除了序列结构,我们近期的研究试图探索更加抽象结构的工作记忆存储机制,例如层级结构、网络结构等。

3. 视觉注意的动态节律。我们之前的一系列研究发现了视觉注意的动态性和节律性,即视觉注意通过节奏性方式对视觉场景中的多个物体进行加工和处理,类似在时间维度上对多个物体进行重新排序(J Neurosci, 2014, 2015; PLoS Biology, 2017ab; Nature Communications, 2019, etc.)。这和我们直观的注意加工机制非常不一样。我们猜想,大脑有其内生的动态处理世界(例如神经振荡,脑区间的节律交流方式等),因此通过对外界信息进行时间上的分割和组织来更有效地分配资源。

4. 其他。我们致力于采用“动态世界观”来研究很多认知现象,以上只是一些在研项目的列举。我们相信,我们的发现不应该只限于某一种认知过程,而有可能拓展到很多方面。同时,我们还希望机会成熟的情况下能够把我们的基础研究成果进行应用转化。



发表论著(* 通讯作者)

Huang, Q.*, Luo, H.* (2024) Shared structure facilitates working memory of multiple sequences. eLife; DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.93158.2

Huang, Q.*, Luo, M., Mi, Y., Luo, H.* (2023) “Leader-follower” dynamic perturbation manipulates multi-item working memory in humans. eNeuron 0472-22.2023; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1523/ENEURO.0472-22.2023

Zhang, H.*, Luo, H.* (2023) Feature-specific reactivations of past information shift current neural encoding thereby mediating serial bias behaviors. PLoS Biology 21 (3), e3002056

Ren, X., Zhang, H.*, Luo, H.* (2022) Dynamic emergence of relational structure network in human brains. Progress in Neurobiology 219: 102373

Fan, Y., Luo, H.* (in press) Reactivating ordinal position information from auditory sequence memory in human brains. Cerebral Cortex

Luo, M., Zhang, H.*, Luo, H.* (2022) Cartesian coordinates scaffold stable spatial perception over time. Journal of Vision 22(8):13, 1–13

Ferrante, O., Liu, L., Minarik, T., Gorska, U., Ghafari, T., Luo, H., Jensen, O.* (2022) FLUX: A pipeline for MEG analysis. NeuroImage (253): 119047

Jia, J.*, Fan, Y., Luo, H.* (2022) Alpha-Band Phase Modulates Bottom-up Feature Processing. Cerebral Cortex 2(6): 1260-1268

Huang, Q., Zhang, H., Luo, H.* (2021) Sequence structure organizes items in varied latent states of working memory neural network. eLife 10: e67589

Fan, Y., Han, Q., Guo, S., Luo, H.* (2021) Distinct neural representations of content and ordinal structure in auditory sequence memory. Journal of Neuroscience 41 (29) 6290-6303. https://www.jneurosci.org/content/41/29/6290

Li, J., Huang, Q., Han, Q., Mi, Y.*, Luo, H.* (2021) Temporally coherent perturbation of neural dynamics during retention alters human multi-item working memory. Progress in Neurobiology 201: 102023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pneurobio.2021.102023

Ren, X., Luo, H.*, Zhang, H.* (2021) Automatic and fast encoding of representational uncertainty underlies the distortion of relative frequency. Journal of Neuroscience 41 (16): 3692-3706.

Li, Y., Luo, H., Tian, X. * (2020) Mental operations in rhythm: motor-to-sensory transformation mediates imagined singing. PLoS Biology 18(10): 33000504.

Guo, B., Lu, Z. Goold, J. Luo, H., Meng, M. * (2020) Fluctuations of fMRI activation patterns in visual object priming. Human Behavior and Brain 1(06): 78-84.

Wang, M., Huang, Y., Luo, H., Zhang, H.* (2020) Sustained visual priming effects can emerge from attentional oscillation and temporal expectation. Journal of Neuroscience 40(18): 3657-3674.

Huang, Q., Luo, H.* (2020) Saliency-based rhythmic coordination of perceptual predictions. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.32(2):201-211

Mo, C., Lu, J., Wu, B., Jia, J., Luo, H. *, Fang, F * (2019) Competing rhythmic neural representations of orientations during concurrent attention to multiple orientation features. Nature Communications 10: 5264.

Jia, J., Fang, F. *, Luo, H. * (2019) Selective spatial attention involves two alpha-band components associated with distinct spatiotemporal and functional characteristics. NeuroImage 199: 228-236.

Zhang, Y.*, Zhang, Y., Cai, P., Luo, H. and Fang, F.* (2019) The causal role of alpha oscillations in feature binding. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 116(34):17023-17028

Han, Q.*, Luo, H.* (2019) Visual crowding involves delayed frontoparietal response and enhanced top-down modulation. European Journal of Neuroscience 50(6):2931-2941.

Liu, L.*, Luo, H.* (2019) Behavioral oscillation in global/local processing: Global alpha oscillations mediate global precedence effect. Journal of Vision 19(5):12.

Wang, Y., Zhang, J., Zou, J., Luo, H.*, Ding, N*, (2019) Prior knowledge guides speech segregation in human auditory cortex. Cerebral Cortex 29(4):1561-1571.

Huang, Q.*, Jia, J., Han, Q., Luo, H.* (2018) Fast-backward replay of sequentially memorized items in humans. eLife 7: e35164
(新闻链接: http:/xwzx/xyxw/310593.htm

Liu, L.*, Wang, F., Zhou, K., Ding, N., Luo, H.* (2017) Perceptual integration rapidly activates dorsal visual pathway to guide local processing in early visual areas. PLoS Biology 15(11): e2003646.
(新闻链接: http:/xwzx/xyxw/264622.htm

Jia, J., Liu, L., Fang, F., Luo, H.* (2017) Sequential sampling of visual objects during sustained attention. PLoS Biology 15(6): e2001903.
(新闻链接: http:/xwzx/xyxw/264593.htm

Song, K.*, Luo, H.* (2017) Temporal organization of sound information in auditory memory. Frontiers in Psychology 8:999.

Wang, Y., Luo, H.* (2017) Behavioral oscillation in face priming: Prediction about face identity is updated at a theta-band rhythm. Progress in Brain Research (special volume on ‘Temporal sampling and representation updating’), 236: 211-224.

Huang, Y., Chen, L., Luo, H.* (2015) Behavioral oscillation in priming: competing perceptual predictions conveyed in alternating theta-band rhythms. Journal of Neuroscience 35(6): 2830-2837.

Song, K., Meng, M., Chen, L., Zhou, K.*, Luo, H.* (2014) Behavioral oscillations in attention: rhythmic alpha pulses mediated through theta band. Journal of Neuroscience 34(14): 4837-4844.

Luo, H.*, Tian, X., Zhou, K., Song, K., Poeppel, D. (2013) Neural response phase tracks how listeners learn new acoustic representations. Current Biology 23(11): 968-974.

Luo, H.*, Poeppel, D.* (2012) Cortical oscillations in auditory perception and speech: evidence for two temporal windows in human auditory cortex. Frontiers in Psychology (3).

Zuo, Z.,Luo, H.*, Zhou K.* (2012) The role of topological invariants in motion-induced blindness. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics.

Luo, H.*, Liu, Z., Poeppel, D.* (2010) Auditory cortex tracks both auditory and visual stimulus dynamics using low-frequency neuronal phase modulation. PLoS Biology 8(8).

Zhou, K.*, Luo, H., Zhou T., Zhuo Y., Chen L. Topological change disturbs objects continuity in attentive tracking. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107(50):21920-21924.

Luo, H.*, Wang, Y., Poeppel, D., Simon, J.Z. (2007) Concurrent encoding of frequency and amplitude modulation in human auditory cortex: an encoding transition. Journal of Neurophysiology 98: 2473-3485.

Luo, H., Poeppel, D.* (2007) Phase patterns of neuronal responses reliably discriminate speech in human auditory cortex. Neuron 54(6): 1001-1010.

Luo, H.*, Boemio, A., Gordon, M., Poeppel, D. (2007) Perception of FM sweeps by Chinese and English listeners. Hearing Research 224: 75-83.

Luo, H.*, Wang, Y., Poeppel, D., Simon, J.Z. (2006) Concurrent encoding of frequency and amplitude modulation in human auditory cortex: MEG evidence. Journal of Neurophysiology 96(5): 712-723.

Luo, H.*, Husain, F., Horwitz, B., Poeppel, D. (2005) Discrimination and categorization of speech and non-speech sounds in an MEG delayed -match-to-sample study. NeuroImage 28(1): 59-71.